JCL Blog

3 Strikes on Washington

I have been resisting the urge to weigh in on local politics.  Today the flood of data became more than I could hold back.

  •  Here is an article from the Puget Sound Business Journal last Friday where our State Legislature is considering taxing everyone with income over $200,000 in exchange for lowering the sales tax.
  • The union membership statistics were released Tuesday by the US Department of Labor:  we are the 4th most unionized state in the country (20.2%).
  • Here are the numbers on high school graduation rates in our state as reported by the National Center for Educational Statistics:  we are 34th in our ability to graduate students from high school (72.9%).

 Sure there are states in worse shape than ours.  I wonder how much farther down we are going to go before we figure out how to solve some of these problems.

No one ever wants to end on a sour note, so here is another article from the Puget Sound Business Journal:  SeaTac was No. 1 in on time arrivals in January (86%)!