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Book Review: I Must Say by Martin Short

Martin Short's new memoir is a treasure and even if you are not a big fan, his book is worth the time -- and the audio book even better. It is a risky proposition for an author to read for his audiobook, unless the author is Martin Short (or Steve Martin or Billy Crystal). 

Marty has had a full life and he does a masterful job of weaving together the comedy and the tragedy of it.  His life has been full of both.  Losing his older brother and both of his parents early might have given him the grace to suffer through the other hardships in his path with a strength of character that I hope to have when life hits hard.

Martin Short by anyone's measure is a successful comedian.  He got there by measuring himself.  He has developed a nine point assessment that he self administers regularly. I am not sure of the dates exactly, but I would guess that he developed his before Steven Covey's 7 Habits came on the scene.  

For me though, it is the quality of his relationships with family and friends that makes the ultimate measure.  From poker with  Steve Martin, Chevy Chase and Tom Hanks, the night before trips to the colonscopy doctor, to late night talks around the campfire with Nancy, Martin Short invests in his relationships.  A truly successful man.